Singer‘s Advanced Week

From August 26th until September 2nd, 2023

Workshop for singers with experience in vocal jazz.
With Judy Niemack, Sabine Kühlich, Robin Draganic und CD Bandorf. The course is held in German and English.


Die Live-Kurse sind lt. §4 Absatz 22.b) UStG von der USt. befreit.
Digitale Produkte enthalten 19% USt.

11 in stock

siehe Fußnote¹

siehe Fußnote¹

¹ You pay for the food in cash when you arrive. Do you have a special dietary or food intolerance? If so, please be sure to let us know in the “extra Notes” window during the rest of the registration process.


Come with us on an exciting journey with your voice.

You are no longer a greenhorn, have already had experience with the jazz genre (standards), can use different means of phrasing and sing simple variations of the melody.

You have sung with a band or have been in “Hellazz” before. Now you want to become even more relaxed in your interaction with the band.

Great; because in our Singer’s Advanced Week you will develop further in terms of your interpretation of a song and become more and more confident on stage and in communicating with the instrumentalists.

You can read more about the course content here: